Screen brightness (⭐13) - Control screen brightness on iOS and android. Realm (⭐22) - A native plugin for MongoDB Realm. React hooks (⭐226) - React Hooks for Capacitor apps. Privacy screen (⭐47) - Protects your app from displaying a screenshot in recents screen/App Switcher. Photoviewer (⭐38) - PhotoViewer table images with full-screen and sharing capabilities. Native market (⭐18) - A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store. Native audio (⭐67) - A native plugin for native audio engine. Media (⭐56) - Enable some media features for Capacitor such as create albums, save videos, gifs and more. Keep awake (⭐87) - Prevent your screen from getting some sleep. Intercom (⭐43) - Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps.
Http (⭐208) - A native HTTP plugin for CORS-free requests and file transfers. Flipper (⭐7) - A native plugin for flipper debugger. Remote config (⭐21) - A native plugin for Firebase remote config. Fcm (⭐217) - Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging features for Capacitor apps. Crashlytics (⭐63) - Firebase Crashlytics. Analytics (⭐141) - A native plugin for Firebase analytics. File opener (⭐44) - The plugin is able to open a file given the mimeType and the file uri.
Facebook Login (⭐77) - A native plugin for Facebook Login. Electron (⭐247) - Support for the Electron platform. Date picker (⭐64) - Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps. Contacts (⭐89) - Contacts Plugin for Capacitor. IONIC CORDOVA APPICON OVERWRITING FOR ANDROID
Googlemaps (⭐136) - Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.Camera preview (⭐145) - Camera preview.
Bluetooth-le (⭐173) - Bluetooth Low Energy. Barcode scanner (⭐359) - A fast and efficient QR / barcode scanner for Capacitor. Background geolocation (⭐132) - Receive geolocation updates even while app is backgrounded. Apple sign in (⭐110) - Capacitor Sign in with Apple. App-icon (⭐48) - Capacitor community plugin for changing an app's icon. Admob (⭐145) - A native plugin for AdMob. Toast (⭐357) - Provides a native notification pop up for displaying important information to a user.Ĭommunity plugins owned by Capacitor organisation and maintained by selected community member are listed here. Text Zoom (⭐357) - Provides the ability to change Web View text size for visual accessibility. Status Bar (⭐357) - Provides methods for configuring the style of the Status Bar, along with showing or hiding it. Splash Screen (⭐357) - Provides methods for showing or hiding a Splash image. Share (⭐357) - Provides methods for sharing content in any sharing-enabled apps the user may have installed. and provides simple text-to-speech capabilities for visual accessibility. Screen Reader (⭐357) - Provides access to TalkBack/VoiceOver/etc. Push Notifications (⭐357) - Provides access to native push notifications. Preferences (⭐357) - Provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data, ex Storage.
Network (⭐357) - Provides network and connectivity information.Motion (⭐357) - Tracks accelerometer and device orientation (compass heading, etc.).without a server sending push notifications). Local Notifications (⭐357) - Provides a way to schedule device notifications locally (i.e.Keyboard (⭐357) - Provides keyboard display and visibility control, along with event tracking when the keyboard shows and hides.Haptics (⭐357) - Provides physical feedback to the user through touch or vibration.Geolocation (⭐357) - Provides simple methods for getting and tracking the current position of the device using GPS, along with altitude, heading, and speed information if available.File system (⭐357) - Provides a NodeJS-like API for working with files on the device.
Dialog (⭐357) - Provides methods for triggering native dialog windows for alerts, confirmations, and input prompts.Device (⭐357) - Exposes internal information about the device, such as the model and operating system version, along with user information such as unique IDs.Clipboard (⭐357) - Enables copy and pasting to/from the system clipboard.Camera (⭐357) - Provides the ability to take a photo with the camera or choose an existing one from the photo album.Browser (⭐357) - Provides the ability to open an in-app browser and subscribe to browser events.App Launcher (⭐357) - Allows to check if an app can be opened and open it.App (⭐357) - Handles high-level App state and events.Action Sheet (⭐357) - Provides access to native Action Sheets.Official plugins for Capacitor (⭐357) and maintained by ionic are listed here. Check out: Capgo - Live updates for capacitor Contents